ProBiotic SkinCare & Benefits
ProBiotic SkinCare

Probiotic literally means “for life”. They are in fact live bacteria that provide health benefits both internally, and externally. Traditional skin care products are often packed with detergents, disinfectants, harsh cleaners and chemicals that actually destroy this friendly bacteria that benefits our skin. Destroying the good bacteria on our skin increases the risk of hosting harmful bacteria on the skin’s surface.
Pierre Freeman’s ProBiotic Skin Care deters harmful bacteria from our skin with Inulin, a beneficial bacteria with Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics that shields our skin from blemishes, spots, and many other skin problems caused by harmful bacteria that lead to accelerated and premature skin aging.
Pierre Freeman’s guarantees healthier, glowing skin in a “for life” manner that is safe and effective. Made in the USA.


Sea Buckthorn berries
70,000 – Omega 7
Gac fruit
Goji berries
Noni fruit
Mangosteen fruit
Aronia berries
Acai berries
Pomegranate fruit
Pierre Freeman’s ProBiotic SkinCare Ingredients


The definition of a superfruit is a fruit that offers extremely high amounts of multiple healthful elements such as vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants. These are fruits with high levels of phyto-nutrients and antioxidants that work synergistically to help your body resist oxidative stress and disease.
The antioxidant values of foods listed are expressed in ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) units, a unit of measurement for antioxidants developed by the National Institute on Aging in the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The higher the ORAC rating, the more scavenging effect the superfruits have in disposing and balancing the Free Radicals in the system.
The pomegranate, originally hailing from the Middle East and India, is highest in Vitamin K and Selenium. It is most notable and has become commercialized for its high antioxidant content, which can aid heart health, visual and brain function and aging. It is also one of the few fruits, which aid in the possible prevention of Alzheimer’s and diabetes, between the blueberry and blackcurrant. Contains antioxidants such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and tannins. Antioxidants do wonders in preventing the aging process in our body. Furthermore it can help us to fight many medical conditions. Heart disease, arthritis, hemorrhages, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, bronchitis are among the medical conditions that risk can be significantly reduced by antioxidants. Aside from helping health in general, it’s beneficial that pomegranate juice can enhance good general health With three times the antioxidant content of red wine, pomegranate is still one of the most nutritious fruits you can consume. Perhaps one of the most-studied superfruits, pomegranate is believed to be beneficial for keeping a healthy cardiovascular system and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.


What makes mangosteen a ‘superfruit’? The rind has been found to contain the compounds alpha-mangostin, beta-mangostin, garcinone B, and garcinone E, which are collectively called xanthones. Laboratory studies suggest xanthones have anti-cancer effects when they are studied in test tubes. Mangosteen has also been found to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties in test tube studies.
The mangosteen fruit is smooth, round, dark-purple to red-purple on the outside and purplish-white on the inside. The inside is broken up among 4 to 8 triangular segments of snow-white, juicy, soft flesh. The fruit may be seedless or have 1 to 5 fully developed seeds. Instead of peeling it like an orange, a mangosteen is typically opened by pressing firmly or twisting the outside until it breaks apart. The hard rind can be nearly one inch thick.
One of the biggest health benefits of Mangosteen Juice is that it boosts the immune system. This is due to the antioxidants and xanthones that it contains. The juice will also give you a boost in energy levels as well. In various parts of the world, it is believed that this juice can cure everything from simple illness to cancer, but this has not been documented.
The juice has been used in Asia for over 400 years, however, to treat a wide range of illnesses and conditions – which makes it amazing that no scientific research has actually been conducted. It is believed that the juice can also help to prevent heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, the juice can help you to avoid bacterial infections.
In Asia, medicinal uses of the mangosteen abound. The sliced and dried rind is powdered and administered to overcome dysentery, diarrhea, cystitis, gonorrhea and gleet. . Made into an ointment, it is applied on eczema and other skin disorders. Filipinos employ a decoction of the leaves and bark as a febrifuge and to treat thrush, diarrhea, dysentery and urinary disorders. In Malaya, an infusion of the leaves, combined with unripe banana and a little benzoin is applied to the wound of circumcision. A root decoction is taken to regulate menstruation. A bark extract called “amibiasine”, has been marketed for the treatment of amoebic dysentery.
For the past five to six years, mangosteen has been one of the most popular supplement ingredients on the market. Some of the main benefits include a stronger immune system, anti-inflammatory benefits, and improved energy. Many believe that the reasons for many of the mangosteen benefits are due to the “xanthones” found in the juice. Xanthones are very special powerful antioxidants in a family of phytonutrients. Scientists have identified over 200 xanthones, and over 40 are found in mangosteen. The highest concentration of xanthones are found in the pericarp (or rind) of the mangosteen. Super Fruit Formula contains a highly concentrated mangosteen extract of mangosteen pericarp that is loaded with the all-important xanthones.
Sea Buckthorn

A champion ‘superfruit’. There are 6 species and 12 subspecies of the sea buckthorn plant which grows over a huge range from Europe through Asia. It grows in dry sandy areas and does not tolerate shade. The berries are orange, soft, juicy and rich in oils.
Though very unpleasant and bitter to eat raw, the berries are very nutritious and the juice can be mixed with apple or grape juice. The fats in the sea-buckthorn, saturated and polyunsaturated, can be extracted from pressing the berry and used for cosmetic purposes such as anti-aging skin crèmes and moisturizers. The berries can be used to make jam, pies and liquors
The nutrient and phytochemical properties of sea-buckthorn berries have a potential value as antioxidants that may help inflammatory disorders such as cancer and heart disease. Sea-Buckthorn berries also have a unique combination of vitamins and minerals usually only found separately. The vitamin C content is among the highest for any plant (4th after rose-hips, hot chili pepper and sweet red pepper, 12 times greater than that found in oranges). Sea-Buckthorn berries also have a high content of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, K and Pand beta-carotene. The beta-carotene content is what gives the berries their color.
Biological studies done on the Sea-buckthorn suggest that much of its restorative action is due to a combination of its high content of essential fatty acids (EFA), carotenes, tocopherols (vitamin E) and phytosterols, which are all important for the maintenance of a healthy skin. The EFA content in the Sea Buckthorn oil extract is 80 – 95%.


Noni juice is a naturally occurring antioxidant. The active ingredients in Noni juice are similar in structure to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Low serotonin levels are linked to depression. By drinking healthy noni juice you can increase your levels of xeronine and therefore feel better mentally. Healthy Noni juice can boost not only the immune system but enhance an individual mind and soul.
Perhaps the most popular fruit juice of the past decade, noni has been traditionally used for its boost to the immune system and its anti-inflammatory properties.
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